Monday, April 02, 2007

Prepared to travel > Russia & Finland

Two countries in ten days! Into one hour start the trip...
During that time I will be in the capital of Finland - Helsinki- and after that we go to Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow.
This will be a real challenge, travelling with more students from different universities in Sweden, all doing the exchange programme (Erasmus or what else). Well, we will travel by ferry, and by bus (two nights approximately 12 hours each one).
The best thing is that I do not know anyone, so let's make friends!!
The expectation is high, I am really curious about Dostoievski's country, for me one of the best writers (the movie "Match Point" of Woody Allen, was based on Dostoievski's book - "Crime and Punishment").
By the way, in the last days I had two exams, on Friday I was fed up of faculty stuffs, anyway now I have free time during a couple of weeks.
On Friday I spent all night with my Erasmus friends, and on Saturday we had a barbecue. Since I arrived in Stockholm was one of my best weekends.


At Fri Apr 06, 08:04:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boa viagem!


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