Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Six Countries in 10 days

Tomorrow I am leaving for more one trip.
It will start in Stockholm, where I am living currently, and then I am going to Estonia (Tallinn), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Poland (Warsaw), Germany (Berlin), and Denmark (Copenhagen). Six capitals almost in ten days.
I am not sure if we can do the original trip, but at least we will try. I am going with more one friend - Fred. It was quite cool because we decided all two days ago.
The trip will start by ferry, then by train, only once we need to catch the bus.

After coming from Russia my life is a bit boring, my fellow students are taking courses and I am with free time because I took more courses in the last period, so I do not have faculty until the beginning of May. Now I need to slow down the energy and adrenalin that i brought from Russia, so nothing better than travelling.
I arrived from Russia at 6:30 a.m and at night I went with a couple of friends, that I met in the trip, to a Techno concert, quite cool.
I hope to take the energy of this sound with me in this trip, because I am a bit ill. The sound is great!
Techno / Pop / Electronica >> Slagsmalsklubben


At Thu Apr 19, 09:42:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boas viagem... Aproveita mto mto mto... Já ouvi falar mto bem dessa cidade... Ah e existe uma cidade Polaca Polzan (ou qq coisa parecida) que é mais gira que Varsovia segundo o que 1 gajo q conheci no aeroporto de Frankfurt me disse... tem bom ambiente Erasmus tem mta vida nocturna e coisas lindas para ver (Fica entre Berlim e Varsóvia). Bjitos* Manda tb po Fred* E divirtam-se.

SaudadeS* mas daquelas boas e sei que tás a passar um bom momento.

O meu sobrinho é lindoooooooo =)


At Fri Apr 27, 01:56:00 pm, Blogger FranciscoGuerreiro said...

Não foi possível realizar a viagem. Eu e o Fred divertimo-nos bastante quando percebemos que ele não tinha o passaporte.

Mas passei um grande momento, devido ao teu amigo Nuno!!! Foi bastante porreiro, e os amigos dele também.

Abraço pra tia Sara


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